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Home page | Home page of the taxonomy |
Top level | pars principalis organi Short Extended |
Level 2 | segmentum organi Short Extended |
Level 3 | arteria Short Extended |
Current level | divisio arteriae carotis externae |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Ancestors |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:67619 | |
FMA:86140 | |
FMA:306412 | |
FMA:50722 | |
FMA:312599 | |
FMA:86187 | |
FMA:50720 | |
FMA:66464 | |
FMA:70504 | |
FMA:70505 |
divisio arteriae carotis externae
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
70505 | 23458 |
divisio arteriae carotis externae
subdivision of external carotid artery
49472 | 3809 | part |
arteria thyroidea superior
superior thyroid artery
66316 | 13904 |
ramus arteriae thyroideae superioris
branch of superior thyroid artery
49474 | 3810 | part |
ramus infrahyoideus arteriae thyroideae superioris
infrahyoid branch of superior thyroid artery
49477 | 3811 | part |
ramus sternocleidomastoideus arteriae thyroideae superioris
sternocleidomastoid branch of superior thyroid artery
49480 | 3812 | part |
arteria laryngea superior
superior laryngeal artery
49483 | 3813 | part |
ramus cricothyroideus arteriae thyroideae superioris
cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery
49488 | 3814 | part |
ramus glandularis anterior arteriae thyroideae superioris
anterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery
49491 | 3815 | part |
ramus glandularis posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris
posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery
49494 | 3816 | part |
ramus glandularis lateralis arteriae thyroideae superioris
lateral glandular branch of superior thyroid artery
49497 | 3817↓ | part |
arteria pharyngea ascendens
ascending pharyngeal artery
66313 | 13905 |
ramus arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis
branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
15631 | part |
truncus pharyngeus
pharyngeal trunk
15632 | part |
truncus neuromeningeus
neuromeningeal trunk
49503 | 3818 | part |
ramus meningeus posterior partis labii arteriae vertebralis arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis
posterior meningeal branch of atloid part of vertebral artery of ascending pharyngeal artery
49520 | 3819 | part |
ramus pharyngeus arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis
pharyngeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
15633 | part |
ramus pharyngeus superior
superior pharyngeal branch
77851 | 7359 | part |
sulcus spiralis externus
outer spiral sulcus
15638 | part |
ramus pharyngeus medius
middle pharyngeal branch
58677 | 6971 | part |
foveola ; foveal pit
58843 | 7026 | part |
fossa hyaloidea
hyaloid fossa
77664 | 6968↓ | part |
excavatio disci nervi optici
optic disc excavation; excavation of optic nerve head
15639 | part |
ramus pharyngeus inferior
inferior pharyngeal branch
67388 | 7029 | part |
humor vitreus
vitreous humor
58819 | 7017 | part |
humor aquosus
aqueous humor
15640 | part |
arteria meningea posterior
posterior meningeal artery
15647 | part |
ramus hypoglossus
hypoglossal branch
15648 | part |
ramus jugularis
jugular branch
49506 | 3820 | part |
arteria tympanica inferior
inferior tympanic artery
15656 | part |
arteria spinomuscularis
spinomuscular artery
77438 | 3821 | part |
(truncus linguofacialis )
(linguofacial trunk )
49526 | 3822 | part |
arteria lingualis
lingual artery
66313 | 13906 |
ramus arteriae lingualis
branch of lingual artery
49540 | 3823 | part |
ramus suprahyoideus arteriae lingualis
suprahyoid branch of lingual artery
49546 | 3824 | part |
ramus dorsalis linguae
dorsal lingual branch
49543 | 3825 | part |
arteria sublingualis
sublingual artery
49532 | 3826 | part |
arteria profunda linguae
deep lingual artery
49549 | 3827 | part |
arteria facialis
facial artery
49552 | 13903 |
ramus arteriae facialis
branch of facial artery
49555 | 3828 | part |
arteria palatinalis ascendens
ascending palatal artery
49558 | 3829 | part |
ramus tonsillaris arteriae facialis
tonsillar branch of facial artery
49561 | 3830 | part |
arteria submentalis
submental artery
71675 | 3831 | part |
ramus glandularis arteriae facialis
glandular branch of facial artery
49567 | 3832 | part |
arteria labialis inferior
inferior labial artery
49570 | 3833 | part |
arteria labialis superior
superior labial artery
49573 | 3834 | part |
ramus septi nasi arteriae labialis superioris
nasal septal branch of superior labial artery
49580 | 3835 | part |
ramus nasalis lateralis arteriae facialis
lateral nasal branch of facial artery
49583 | 3836 | part |
arteria angularis
angular artery
49675 | 3860 | part |
arteria maxillaris
maxillary artery
49688 | 14706 |
ramus arteriae maxillaris
branch of maxillary artery
49767 | 3885 | part |
arteria infraorbitalis
infraorbital artery
49770 | 14707 |
ramus arteriae infraorbitalis
branch of infraorbital artery
14698↓ | part |
arteria alveolaris superior media
middle superior alveolar artery
71685 | 3886 | part |
arteria alveolaris superior anterior
anterior superior alveolar artery
14712 |
ramus arteriae alveolaris superioris anterioris
branch of anterior superior alveolar artery
71686 | 3887 | part |
ramus dentalis arteriae alveolaris superioris anterioris
dental branch of anterior superior alveolar artery
71687 | 3888 | part |
ramus peridentalis arteriae alveolaris superioris anterioris
peridental branch of anterior superior alveolar artery
49804 | 3895 | part |
arteria sphenopalatinalis
sphenopalatal artery
49807 | 14708 |
ramus arteriae sphenopalatinalis
branch of sphenopalatal artery
71689 | 3896 | part |
arteria nasalis posterior lateralis arteriae sphenopalatinalis
lateral posterior nasal artery of sphenopalatal artery
71690 | 3897 | part |
ramus septalis posterior arteriae sphenopalatinalis
posterior septal branch of sphenopalatal artery
49791 | 3891 | part |
arteria palatinalis descendens
descending palatal artery
49794 | 14709 |
ramus arteriae palatinalis descendentis
branch of descending palatal artery
49795 | 3892 | part |
arteria palatinalis major
greater palatal artery
71688 | 3893 | part |
arteria palatinalis minor
lesser palatal artery
49797 | 3894 | part |
ramus pharyngeus arteriae palatinalis descendentis
pharyngeal branch of descending palatal artery
49754 | 3881 | part |
arteria buccalis
buccal artery
49739 | 3877 | part |
arteria masseterica
masseteric artery
49745 | 3878 | part |
arteria temporalis profunda anterior
anterior deep temporal artery
49746 | 3879 | part |
arteria temporalis profunda posterior
posterior deep temporal artery
49751 | 3880 | part |
ramus pterygoideus arteriae temporalis profundae posterioris
pterygoid branch of posterior deep temporal artery
49711 | 3868 | part |
arteria meningea media
middle meningeal artery
49714 | 14710 |
ramus arteriae meningeae mediae
branch of middle meningeal artery
49715 | 3869 | part |
ramus accessorius arteriae meningeae mediae
accessory branch of middle meningeal artery
49716 | 3870 | part |
ramus frontalis arteriae meningeae mediae
frontal branch of middle meningeal artery
49717 | 3871 | part |
ramus orbitalis arteriae meningeae mediae
orbital branch of middle meningeal artery
49718 | 3872 | part |
ramus parietalis arteriae meningeae mediae
parietal branch of middle meningeal artery
49719 | 3873 | part |
ramus petrosus arteriae meningeae mediae
petrous branch of middle meningeal artery
49720 | 3874 | part |
arteria tympanica superior
superior tympanic artery
49733 | 3875 | part |
ramus anastomoticus lacrimalis
anastomotic branch of lacrimal artery
49695 | 3863 | part |
arteria alveolaris inferior
inferior alveolar artery
49698 | 14711 |
ramus arteriae alveolaris inferioris
branch of inferior alveolar artery
49699 | 3864 | part |
ramus dentalis arteriae alveolaris inferioris
dental branch of inferior alveolar artery
49700 | 3865 | part |
ramus peridentalis arteriae alveolaris inferioris
peridental branch of inferior alveolar artery
49701 | 3866 | part |
ramus mentalis arteriae alveolaris inferioris
mental branch of inferior alveolar artery
49702 | 3867 | part |
ramus mylohyoideus arteriae alveolaris inferioris
mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
49692 | 3862 | part |
arteria tympanica anterior
anterior tympanic artery
49689 | 3861 | part |
arteria auricularis profunda
deep auricular artery
49797 | 3890 | part |
ramus pharyngeus arteriae canalis pterygoidei
pharyngeal branch of artery of pterygoid canal
49586 | 3837 | part |
arteria occipitalis
occipital artery
49589 | 14738 |
ramus arteriae occipitalis
branch of occipital artery
49599 | 3838 | part |
ramus mastoideus arteriae occipitalis
mastoid branch of occipital artery
49602 | 3839 | part |
ramus auricularis arteriae occipitalis
auricular branch of occipital artery
49590 | 3840 | part |
ramus sternocleidomastoideus arteriae occipitalis
sternocleidomastoid branch of occipital artery
49605 | 3841 | part |
ramus occipitalis arteriae occipitalis
occipital branch of occipital artery
49618 | 3842 | part |
(ramus meningeus arteriae occipitalis )
(meningeal branch of occipital artery )
49608 | 3843 | part |
ramus descendens
descending branch
49624 | 3844 | part |
arteria auricularis posterior
posterior auricular artery
49627 | 14739 |
ramus arteriae auricularis posterioris
branch of posterior auricular artery
49628 | 3845 | part |
arteria stylomastoidea
stylomastoid artery
49631 | 3846 | part |
arteria tympanica posterior
posterior tympanic artery
49635 | 3847 | part |
ramus mastoideus arteriae tympanicae posterioris
mastoid branch of posterior tympanic artery
49638 | 3848 | part |
(ramus stapedius arteriae tympanicae posterioris )
(stapedial branch of posterior tympanic artery )
49641 | 3849 | part |
ramus auricularis arteriae auricularis posterioris
auricular branch of posterior auricular artery
49644 | 3850 | part |
ramus occipitalis arteriae auricularis posterioris
occipital branch of posterior auricular artery
49647 | 3851 | part |
ramus parotideus arteriae auricularis posterioris
parotid branch of posterior auricular artery
49650 | 3852 | part |
arteria temporalis superficialis
superficial temporal artery
49653 | 14740 |
ramus arteriae temporalis superficialis
branch of superficial temporal artery
49654 | 3853 | part |
ramus parotideus arteriae temporalis superficialis
parotid branch of superficial temporal artery
49657 | 3854 | part |
arteria transversa faciei
transverse facial artery
71679 | 3855 | part |
ramus auricularis anterior arteriae temporalis superficialis
anterior auricular branch of superficial temporal artery
49663 | 3856 | part |
(arteria zygomaticoorbitalis )
(zygomaticoorbital artery )
49666 | 3857 | part |
arteria temporalis media
middle temporal artery
49669 | 3858 | part |
ramus frontalis arteriae temporalis superficialis
frontal branch of superficial temporal artery
49670 | 3859 | part |
ramus parietalis arteriae temporalis superficialis
parietal branch of superficial temporal artery
85528 | 3889 | part |
arteria canalis pterygoidei
artery of pterygoid canal
116 items
284 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
3817 |
New subdivision: Following Hacein-Bey et al. (2002 Am J Neuroradiol AJNR 23:1246-1256), the ascending pharyngeal artery divides into two trunks, pharyngeal and neuromeningeal .
6968 |
The incorrect English terms (Depression of optic disc and Physiological cup) are replaced by: Optic disc excavation and Excavation of optic nerve head.
14698 |
The Arteria alveolaris superior media typically supplies the upper premolars and adjacent gingiva.
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 23458 |
Number of children | 283 (validated) |
Number of units | 110 (validated) |
Signature | 1798 (validated since 22.10.2024) |
Date: 05.01.2025 |